ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ Happy ApE

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Being ApE

ApE is an abbreviation for practicing the two wings of mindfulness; Awareness and Equanimity. The “ape" concept came to me during a meditation retreat (10 days 'silent retreat' with dhamma.org) back in 2012 and appeals to me because it succinctly captures patiently and persistently Practicing Awareness and Equanimity, while at the same time reminding me to tame the crazy monkey mind we are equipped with.

The mind is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master “ - Robin S. Sharma

ApE is based on the Buddhist doctrine and meditation practice Vipassana, which teaches you how to see the world (and yourself) as it really is. Several studies have been performed and countless articles are written on the benefits of meditation. It has psychological benefits such as raising concentration, reducing stress and providing peace and joy, but there are also physical benefits such as heart and lungs strengthening, lowering blood pressure and enhancing immune response capability.

To me, meditation is like Neo in the Matrix; taking the pill and seeing reality as it is. Suddenly, as Rasmus Hougaard writes, you are one second ahead (“et sekund foran”), as you have the calm and insight to act (not react) on life. As my teacher S.N. Goenka says; you obtain "Real Peace, Real Harmony, Real Happiness". It is the direct training of the good state of mind; to be present with an inner peace and harmony.

Read in Danish here.

Above drawing of an ape is based on an original by Lise.