ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ Happy ApE

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Happy ApE MEETS Love

What is ‘Happy ApE MEETS Love’ about?

The observer nature is at the core of the ApE concept.

ApE is a way to remember to practice the two wings of mindfulness;

Awareness and Equanimity

Happiness is what we all want

Real peace, harmony and happiness

It lies not in the pursuit of hedonistic happiness,

but in flow, satisfaction, meaning and achievement.

The key to achieve happiness lies in the daily algorithm.

The necessary components for healthy, sustainable living.

ApE MEETS life

Meditate (be mindful)

Exercise (move body)

Eat (right)

Take care (of yourself and others)

Sleep (enough)

Love is the outcome, the final destination.

Love is what unlocks everything.




The art of living

The Artwork