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Symbols of the Enneagram

The symbols of the Enneagram provide a comprehensive framework for understanding the complexities of existence and personal development:

  • Circle: Reminds us of the interconnectedness and unity of all things. The circle is a symbol of unity, the whole and the absolute.

  • Triangle: Highlights the need for balance and the interplay of fundamental forces. The triangle is a symbol of balance - poles and middle (law of three).

  • Hexagon: Emphasizes the dynamic nature of processes and the importance of navigating changes and stages of development. The hexagon is a symbol of change and movement (law of seven).

These symbols encourage a holistic view of life, blending spiritual wisdom with practical insights into human behavior and growth. Read more about the symbols below.

The Enneagram symbols are connected by a couple of doodles to illustrate a dynamic, continuous flow, suggesting the ongoing process of growth and development. The face at the bottom is a symbol of the human experience, emotion, or consciousness, highlighting the personal aspect of the Enneagram.

The Circle

Spiritual and Philosophical Background: The circle is a universal symbol found in various spiritual and philosophical traditions. It represents wholeness, infinity, and the cyclical nature of the universe. Here are some key points:

  • Unity and Oneness: The circle's unbroken line signifies the idea of unity and the interconnectedness of all things. In many spiritual traditions, it represents the divine or the ultimate reality, suggesting that everything is part of a single, all-encompassing whole.

  • Cycles and Eternity: The circle's shape, with no beginning or end, symbolizes eternity and the cyclical nature of existence. It reflects the cycles of life, death, and rebirth, as seen in natural phenomena like seasons and human life stages.

  • Protection and Sacred Space: In many cultures, circles are used in rituals and ceremonies to create sacred spaces, providing protection and focusing spiritual energy.

The Triangle (Law of Three)

Spiritual and Philosophical Background: The triangle, often associated with the "law of three," represents balance and the interplay of three fundamental forces or principles. Key aspects include:

  • Trinity Concepts: In various religious traditions, the triangle symbolizes trinity concepts, such as the Christian Holy Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) or the Hindu Trimurti (Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva). These trinities often embody creation, preservation, and destruction, reflecting the dynamic balance of life.

  • Active, Passive, Neutral: In Gurdjieff's teachings and the Enneagram, the law of three posits that every phenomenon is the result of three forces: an active force, a passive force, and a neutralizing or reconciling force. This triadic interaction is essential for any process or transformation to occur.

  • Balance and Harmony: The triangle also represents balance and harmony, with its three sides and angles suggesting a stable structure. It's a reminder of the importance of maintaining equilibrium in different aspects of life.

The Hexagon (Law of Seven)

Spiritual and Philosophical Background: The hexagon, particularly within the Enneagram context, is linked to the "law of seven," which pertains to processes and transformation. Key aspects include:

  • Process and Development: The law of seven, or the law of octaves in Gurdjieff's teachings, describes the natural progression and evolution of processes. It suggests that all actions and phenomena follow a sequence of steps or stages, each influenced by intervals that can either help or hinder progress.

  • Musical Octave: This concept is often illustrated using the musical octave, where a complete cycle (C to C) involves seven notes with distinct intervals. These intervals represent points where external influences can alter the progression, akin to the challenges and aids in personal or spiritual growth.

  • Change and Movement: The hexagon symbolizes dynamism and continual change. It reflects the idea that life and the universe are in a constant state of flux, driven by the interaction of various forces and the need to adapt and evolve.

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